The Big Flip is an award-winning documentary about modern families with at-home dads and breadwinner moms, and a movement whose mission is to smash gender barriers that limit what we think a man and a woman should and can do.

It has inspired dynamic conversations on changing gender roles across the globe and challenged the next generation to think about how they can be part of a movement that affects their future.

This movie is a powerful tool for teaching about gender equity and learning related to gender bias, gender norms, and gender roles.

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The Big Flip Can…

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  • Create inspired conversations in your classroom, at a community event, neighborhood, or home. 

  • Help identify gender biases in your environment—both explicit or implicit—and brainstorm ways to change and improve.

  • Support curriculum focused on gender studies


Watch The Big Flip now on Kanopy if your college or library is already a partner.



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Educational DVD & License


Anyone working directly with youth including K-12 schools, universities, libraries, and summer camps. Includes:

  • BluRay or DVD of feature film and supplemental video clips

  • Detailed Event Planning Guide and 23-page Discussion Guide to continue the conversation after the film

  • Social Media & Marketing Toolkit (photos, posters, graphics, and videos to share)

  • Includes unlimited rights to use the discussion guide and host unlimited screenings on your campus for parents, educators, students, and the community at large